Post-Doc Fellow
Skype: f.vivaldi1
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Address: Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - 56124 Pisa Italy
Electrochemistry, BioSensors, Surface Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry.
After his Bachelor studies in Chemistry where he worked with enzymes inhibition, for his Master studies in Analytical Chemistry he worked at the development of a pH sensor in the group of Professor Di Francesco. He spent a one year fellowship improving his electrochemistry knowledge performing electrochemical investigations of surfaces. He did his PhD in the work group of Prof. Fabio Di Francesco at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa where he worked at the development of sensors array for athlete’s performances monitoring during training sessions.
M.Sc., Analytical Chemistry, University of Pisa 2017
B.Sc., Chemistry, University of Pisa 2015.
Research interests
Federico’s research interests lie in the combination of electrochemical measurements and surface chemistry with electronics for the development of biosensors. He is especially interested in the study of electrochemical kinetic of redox mediators for the development of biosensors.